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About SaintCards

Why we made SaintCards

Why we made SaintCards

Why we made SaintCards

Pope Benedict XVI stated in his general audience on August 19th, 2009: “The saints are true interpreters of Sacred Scripture. In the experience of their lives the saints have verified the truth of the Gospel; thus they introduce us into a knowledge and understanding of the Gospel.”


In the Catechism of the Catholic Church it says (CCC 2225 & 2226):


"Through the grace of the sacrament of marriage, parents receive the responsibility and privilege of evangelizing their children. Parents should initiate their children at an early age into the mysteries of the faith of which they are the “first heralds” for their children. They should associate them from their tenderest years with the life of the Church. A wholesome family life can foster interior dispositions that are a genuine preparation for a living faith and remain a support for it throughout one’s life."


"...Parents have the mission of teaching their children to pray and to discover their vocation as children of God...."

The challenge for all of us as parents, is then: Are we putting our Catholic faith in front of our children at every turn and even in the midst of their longing for entertainment?


Are we giving our families an opportunity to contemplate the many pathways of holiness that these models of our Catholic faith gave to us to follow?


This is why we made SaintCards.  Our family wants to invest into the Catholic Domestic Church to help parents fulfill their mission in "teaching their children to discover their vocation as children of God" (CCC 2226). Through learning about these holy men and women, the entire family can grow in holiness, all while having fun.  It's all for heaven in the end!


We hope these SaintCards can help every family grow in love of the Saints and through that growth come to know more intimately, He, who is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

I'm new to SaintCards, what should I purchase first?

We Recommended beginning your SaintCards Collection with a Starter Set that can be played on its own.  The Base Game has 106 SaintCards and is our original Starter Set.  You can also purchase our 2019 Core/Booster Deck which includes 53 SaintCards and will give you everything you need to play and get started with your collection.


Additionally, Historia Cards can be played on their own as well as with SaintCards and can also be a great first purchase.

I am a teacher.  How can SaintCards be used in the classroom?

SaintCards are a great supplement for History, Social Studies, or Humanities subjects.  You can work with each card individually on a particular feast day and can additionally divide the classroom to host several games at once.  Educators have found that 10-15 minutes a day of interaction with the SaintCards is enough to help students of all ages learn historical facts about the Saints.

How can I be sure I am not purchasing any duplicate SaintCards?

SaintCards is a Collectible Card Game (CCG) which means that each set has its own unique cards.  For example, the only way to purchase a set with the Apostles is to purchase the Base Game (w/106 SaintCards).

Can you tell me more about how the cards help with memorization?

Sure!  SaintCards utilizes an ancient memorization technique known as the "Loci Method".  This is the same method used by St. Albert the Great and St. Thomas Aquinas and it helps the learner compartmentalize information in easy to remember numbers, colors, and symbols.  In the beginning, players will make associations with these numbers and colors in relation to the central picture/photograph on the cards.  In a short time, they will be able to recall which colors and symbols go with each picture and will also be able to remember the numbers as well.  The player will then learn what the symbols, colors, and numbers mean (by using the Reference Keys included with each Starter Set) and will then be able to assign meaning to these symbols/signs.  For example, as soon as a player learns that the color red means martyr, any time they see red in the game they will know that particular saint was a martyr.  As time goes on, more  associations will naturally occur.  We find that 10-15 minutes of play a day is enough to help students (and adults) learn hundreds of facts about the saints in just a few months.  You'll even be surprised when you ask your four-year-old: "Was St. Thomas Aquinas a Doctor of the Church?" and they answer confidently: "Yes!"  (Because all they had to remember was that every Doctor is Dark Blue).  SaintCards puts colors, numbers, and symbols to practical use to help you memorize facts about the lives of the Saints!


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If you are not happy with your purchase, then you are entitled to a full refund (including the original postage cost) if you return your purchase postmarked within 30 days of your receipt of the item. Return Shipping is your financial responsibility.


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